Constructs an object of the (survival surJoeBiCopula
, 90 degree
rotated r90JoeBiCopula
and 270 degree rotated r270JoeBiCopula
family for a given parameter. Note that package copula-package()
provides a class joeCopula as well.
joeBiCopula(param = 2)
surJoeBiCopula(param = 2)
r90JoeBiCopula(param = -2)
r270JoeBiCopula(param = -2)
The parameter param
defines the copula through
One of the respective Joe copula classes (joeBiCopula, surJoeBiCopula, r90JoeBiCopula, r270JoeBiCopula).
Joe, H., (1997). Multivariate Models and Dependence Concepts. Monogra. Stat. Appl. Probab. 73, London: Chapman and Hall.
See also BB1Copula()
, BB6Copula()
and BB8Copula()
for further wrapper
functions to the VineCopula-package()