— vineCopula-class" />

A class representing vine copulas in a object oriented implementations. Many functions go back to the package VineCopula-package

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("vineCopula", ...) or through the function vineCopula.


Aas, K., C. Czado, A. Frigessi, and H. Bakken (2009). Pair-copula constructions of multiple dependence Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 44 (2), 182-198.

See also


#> Class "vineCopula" [package "VineCopula"] #> #> Slots: #> #> Name: copulas dimension RVM parameters param.names #> Class: list integer RVineMatrix numeric character #> #> Name: param.lowbnd param.upbnd fullname #> Class: numeric numeric character #> #> Extends: #> Class "copula", directly #> Class "dimCopula", by class "copula", distance 2 #> Class "parCopula", by class "copula", distance 2 #> Class "Copula", by class "copula", distance 3