This function evaluates the derivative of a given parametric bivariate copula density with respect to its parameter(s) or one of its arguments.

  par2 = 0,
  deriv = "par",
  log = FALSE,
  obj = NULL, = TRUE


u1, u2

numeric vectors of equal length with values in \([0,1]\).


integer; single number or vector of size length(u1); defines the bivariate copula family:
0 = independence copula
1 = Gaussian copula
2 = Student t copula (t-copula)
3 = Clayton copula
4 = Gumbel copula
5 = Frank copula
6 = Joe copula
13 = rotated Clayton copula (180 degrees; survival Clayton'') \cr `14` = rotated Gumbel copula (180 degrees; survival Gumbel”)
16 = rotated Joe copula (180 degrees; “survival Joe”)
23 = rotated Clayton copula (90 degrees)
`24` = rotated Gumbel copula (90 degrees)
`26` = rotated Joe copula (90 degrees)
`33` = rotated Clayton copula (270 degrees)
`34` = rotated Gumbel copula (270 degrees)
`36` = rotated Joe copula (270 degrees)


numeric; single number or vector of size length(u1); copula parameter.


integer; single number or vector of size length(u1); second parameter for the t-Copula; default is par2 = 0, should be an positive integer for the Students's t copula family = 2.


Derivative argument
"par" = derivative with respect to the first parameter (default)
"par2" = derivative with respect to the second parameter (only available for the t-copula)
"u1" = derivative with respect to the first argument u1
"u2" = derivative with respect to the second argument u2


Logical; if TRUE than the derivative of the log-likelihood is returned (default: log = FALSE; only available for the derivatives with respect to the parameter(s) (deriv = "par" or deriv = "par2")).


BiCop object containing the family and parameter specification.

logical; default is TRUE; if FALSE, checks for family/parameter-consistency are omitted (should only be used with care).


A numeric vector of the bivariate copula derivative

  • of the copula family

  • with parameter(s) par, par2

  • with respect to deriv,

  • evaluated at u1 and u2.


If the family and parameter specification is stored in a BiCop() object obj, the alternative version

BiCopDeriv(u1, u2, obj, deriv = "par", log = FALSE)

can be used.


Schepsmeier, U. and J. Stoeber (2014). Derivatives and Fisher information of bivariate copulas. Statistical Papers, 55 (2), 525-542.


Ulf Schepsmeier


## simulate from a bivariate Student-t copula
cop <- BiCop(family = 2, par = -0.7, par2 = 4)
simdata <- BiCopSim(100, cop)

## derivative of the bivariate t-copula with respect to the first parameter
u1 <- simdata[,1]
u2 <- simdata[,2]
BiCopDeriv(u1, u2, cop, deriv = "par")
#>   [1]  -1.9491194   0.4287700  -2.1243812   0.9894915  -2.2047080  -6.8875898
#>   [7]  -1.7649804  -3.9093168   1.3918512   1.3725159   0.2610399   1.0257608
#>  [13]  -0.5194076  -1.8585951   1.1101953   1.4226641   0.5365931  -5.3960728
#>  [19]  -2.6089908   0.2241644  -1.4657837  -1.4961593   1.4470699  -2.1020266
#>  [25]  -1.1124191  -2.5897270  -1.5904825  -0.6383240  -5.7165568  -5.6223032
#>  [31]   0.4260070  -0.5006696  -3.1947709   1.0966700  -3.1221788  -1.0528469
#>  [37]   1.0715588  -0.3303013  -2.3240436   1.2326288  -3.2262827  -0.8370149
#>  [43]  -1.8759344   1.5173806  -5.7398194  -5.1544035  -2.4041889   0.6624840
#>  [49]  -0.5309243  -2.1865130  -2.0200902   1.4910194   0.8285610  -1.0259934
#>  [55]   0.7598523  -9.7957033  -3.0055312  -0.9632466   1.4953758  -2.2232271
#>  [61]  -2.2474680   0.3882322   1.6554248   1.4807135  -5.1011095   1.1948755
#>  [67]  -0.1451278  -1.5037080   0.9329069 -12.6765803  -1.5942166   2.7522270
#>  [73]  -4.5559148   1.4717988  -2.9951774  -2.8088077  -0.2201730  -1.0321698
#>  [79]  -0.8301523  -0.1610222  -1.6934311  -2.4458507  -2.3632248  -2.4039404
#>  [85]  -0.5327412  -0.8140025   0.7503848  -1.3836944  -2.3199687  -1.5293709
#>  [91]  -4.6053130  -2.4260304  -2.2459406  -2.7919755   1.4777421  -0.5824266
#>  [97]  -0.7432825  -5.0724114  -2.0257408  -3.7867954

## estimate a Student-t copula for the simulated data
cop <- BiCopEst(u1, u2, family = 2)
## and evaluate its derivative w.r.t. the second argument u2
BiCopDeriv(u1, u2, cop, deriv = "u2")
#>   [1] -2.572532e+00 -4.713478e+00  7.764411e+01 -3.893079e+00 -7.353974e-03
#>   [6] -4.110736e+01 -2.684368e+00 -1.267933e+01  1.685358e+00 -8.459042e+00
#>  [11] -6.926049e+00 -1.906637e+00 -3.246016e+00 -1.497334e+00  3.179740e+00
#>  [16] -1.710293e+00 -3.452148e+00  7.169778e+01  1.938487e+00  3.468987e+00
#>  [21]  7.040024e+00  2.231633e+00  2.839713e+00  3.959213e+00 -5.047145e+00
#>  [26]  2.727019e+01  6.875954e+00  3.205492e+00  4.514724e+00 -1.164073e+01
#>  [31]  6.172279e+00  3.107522e+00 -4.920490e+00 -3.555590e+00 -4.025224e+00
#>  [36] -4.033415e+00  2.305999e+01  3.179083e+00 -1.390712e-01  3.184211e+00
#>  [41]  1.159594e+00 -3.091015e+00  1.035754e+01 -2.430187e+00 -6.185534e-01
#>  [46]  7.499612e+00 -3.649171e-01  3.402683e+00  8.991486e+00  1.994543e-01
#>  [51]  1.129617e+00 -4.501232e+00 -4.211597e+00 -1.132991e+01  3.504455e+00
#>  [56] -2.589459e+01 -6.284932e+01  4.967663e+00 -3.640092e+00  2.873912e-01
#>  [61]  8.523196e-01  3.485461e+00 -8.261592e+00  1.980008e+00  5.480990e+00
#>  [66] -3.326240e+00 -3.415811e+00 -2.004110e+00 -3.941866e+00 -1.337753e+02
#>  [71]  2.949049e+00  1.545911e+01 -1.267314e+00  2.197841e+00 -4.088047e-01
#>  [76] -6.860913e+00  3.223230e+00  8.691908e+00  3.035431e+00  3.243113e+00
#>  [81]  1.674844e+00 -4.167429e-02  1.192042e+00  2.017697e+00  3.029543e+00
#>  [86]  3.543877e+00 -5.031280e+00 -2.895037e+00  1.023711e+00 -8.116307e+00
#>  [91] -4.105862e+00  1.220534e+00 -7.622173e-01  2.320207e+00 -1.836715e+00
#>  [96]  3.725500e+00 -8.778278e+01 -2.352367e+01 -1.078140e+00  6.589028e+00